Childrens Teeth

What to do for a Broken Tooth

October 12th, 2017

It can be scary when your child gets hurt or has an accident. As a parent, you’re equipped to handle a bruise or a scrape, but what about a broken tooth? Do you know how to handle a lost permanent tooth? Parents can take a few steps to help their children recover from a broken tooth, or one that is lost too early.  

Fractured Tooth

Children play rough, and that can lead to bumps, bruises, and even fractured teeth. If your child fractures a tooth, then gather what fragments you can find and store them in a clean container of cool water, saliva, or milk. Have your child rinse their mouth with warm water if they are experiencing any pain. It is important that you visit the dentist immediately to prevent infection and other complications that are brought on by chipped teeth. Your dentist will be able to repair your child’s tooth with their original fragment (if it’s stored properly) or with a filling. 

You can also use a tooth preservation system like the ADA Approved Save-A-Tooth. If the dislodged tooth is stored properly, then your dentist may be able to reinstall it. 

Knocked out Baby Tooth 

Baby teeth are temporary, however, if a baby tooth is knocked out too soon, it can lead to other teeth crowding the vacant spot. This can cause alignment issues when the permanent tooth begins to emerge, and could cause crooked teeth and biting problems. Visit your dentist within 24 hours if your child loses a baby tooth prematurely. Your dentist will be able to assess the state of the incoming adult tooth, and provide your child with a spacer to prevent crowding that may occur.  

Remember to store the lost tooth as described above, and bring it with you to your child’s dental appointment. 

Knocked or Lost Permanent Tooth

Permanent teeth are supposed to be just that: permanent. If your child loses a permanent tooth, then it is imperative that you visit your dentist immediately. If your child is bleeding, then rinse their mouth with cool clean water, and use a clean gauze to quell the bleeding. 

Store the tooth in a clean container of cool water, milk, or use a tooth preservation system like Save-A-Tooth. If the dislodged tooth is stored properly, then your dentist will be able to reinstall it.  

Parents can Prevent Long Term Tooth Damage

Accidents happen, but being prepared as a parent can help prevent a lot of serious oral damage.  You can’t prevent accidents, but you can prevent most oral issues by helping your child maintain a healthy oral routine.  

Visit our dental office every six months to help prevent common dental issues from occurring. The regularly scheduled check up lets us identify and treat cavities, perform a deep cleaning of plaque and tartar buildup, and provides you with a road map to better oral care for your child.