The Perfect Oral Health Routine

Consistency is key to getting a healthy, bright smile. By getting into the perfect oral health routine, you can get a radiant smile that you’re proud to share.  

Brush Regularly 

This one seems like a no brainer – but you must brush twice per day for two minutes at a time. When brushing, be sure to brush behind your teeth and pay attention to your back molars. Brush after you’ve had breakfast in the morning, and after dinner at night. This will help keep your teeth free of any unnecessary food debris that can lead to tooth decay. Rinse your mouth with clean water after lunch, which will also combat food debris build-up.  

Use the Right Toothpaste 

For more than 50 years, the American Dental Association has recommended using toothpaste containing fluoride to prevent cavities. Fluoridated toothpaste does an excellent job of cleaning teeth, but make sure that you spit all of it out and rinse your mouth thoroughly after brushing. When shopping for toothpaste, avoid abrasives, and look for the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval on the packaging to ensure that you’re getting the best toothpaste available.  

Floss Daily 

Brushing your teeth only does so much, and you need to clean the sides of teeth, and the areas in between teeth. Make sure to floss below the gum line, where dental plaque can go unseen and unreached by toothbrushes. If left untreated, plaque buildup near the root of teeth can lead to gingivitis and tooth loss. It’s normal for gums to bleed at the beginning of a new flossing routine, but it should subside as flossing continues.

Keep Your Toothbrush Operating Properly 

A fully functional toothbrush is pivotal in the battle against plaque and cavities. If you’re unsure about the state of your toothbrush, check the bristles on the head. If the bristles are flayed outward, then it’s time to get a new toothbrush or replace your toothbrush head. An average toothbrush will last anywhere between 3 to 4 months. 

Schedule a Dental Checkup Every Six Months 

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children visit the pediatric dentist every six months. This helps your child get ahead of any potential oral health concerns, and helps them learn more about maintaining a healthy mouth. 

Schedule an appointment with our office today so that we can evaluate your child’s oral health. A first-visit is always stress-free, which helps us introduce our dental team to your child without worry or anxious feelings.